Monday, May 2, 2011

Competing For A Cause

Handsome young men and beautiful ladies gathered at the River Oaks Fleming’s restaurant for wine and appetizers on a Tuesday evening on April 19, 2011. It was no regular happy hour, it was a mid point mixer hosted by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for the 2011 Man & Woman of the Year Candidates and Board Members.
Each year, in communities across the country, dynamic, passionate candidates engage in a spirited ten-week fundraising competition to earn The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s ‘Man & Woman of the Year’ titles, by raising funds and awareness for blood cancer research. This year the competition started on March 3, 2011 with a kick-off celebration at the Silver Eagle Distributors with Emcee Dana Tyson, Sunny 99.1, ABC/13 Reporter Sonia Azad, Rocky Harris, Senior Vice President of Houston Dynamo and 2010 Man of the Year.
The event announced ten distinguished men and ten women for the 2011 Man & Woman of the Year Title, each of them working hard not just for the title but for the cure and for the Boy and the Girl of the Year.
The Boy & Girl of the Year are local children battling blood cancers who serve as motivation and inspiration to Man & Woman of the Year candidates in their competition to raise funds and win the titles. This year’s boy is Brendon and girl is Emma. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has helped Brendon and Emma’s family through financial assistance and education programs. The organization really is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Candidates have been raising funds by hosting unique events like Havana Nights, Ode To Bollywood, Art Meets Fashion, Date Auction, Game Night, Fashion shows, Happy Hours and some by just letter writing. “Hey, whatever works best. Know your talent and work with it,” says Carol Young 2010 Woman of the Year.
Fleming’s generously sponsored Tuesday’s mixer where candidates, guests and board members were seen fashionably dressed up sipping complimentary wine with tasty bites. Rocky and Carol read letters sent by the parents of Brendon and Emma, a thank you on the efforts of the candidates.
Overall a fun campaign with beautiful men and women both inside and out. Join in to know the winners on Friday May 13, 2011 at Hotel ZaZa (For more info click For candidate information and to donate go to

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