Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today as India celebrates 64th Independence day... our team of Magic of Kids and Creation would like to wish all its readers a happy independence day.We are truly thankful to our freedom fighters who gave their lives for us, so that we could live in this sovereign, socialist,secular, and democratic republic country.Now it all depends on us as to  how we want to shape our country.

Dear Children...most of you have a small table or a cupboard or a box or may be a room of your own.This space is usually given to you by your parents, and it lies on you how well you keep it or make use of it.You can crib saying that your sister's/brother's  space is more beautiful or you may take their help and make your space better.Exactly in this same way we have a beautiful free country and it lies on our hands to make it beautiful.Think of what you can do best for your country.It could be any thing a small act can also help this start with
  • You can teach your grandparents the use of computer and make them tech savy
  • You can promise that you would not throw garbage on the roads,Keep roads clean
  • You can promise that you would not waste food
  • Tell your parents to always pay taxes
  • Conserve electricity,power
  • Help foreign visitors if you find them stranded
  • Make your country proud by studying well
  • Try to know more about your country
There are may acts that you could do in order to make this country a better place to live in.
Share some of your ideas with the world...

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